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Returns and Refund Policy

If you are unhappy with your purchase, you may return the unwanted items for a refund or an exchange if the following conditions are met:

1. All unwanted items are returned within 30 days of receipt.  No exchange, credit or refund will be given after 30 days from date of receipt.

2. The product(s) you are returning must be unused, undamaged, unsoiled and in their original packaging, with original tags attached.

3. Send us an email to  containing all of the following details:

- Your Name;

- Invoice Number;

- Product Name;

- Reason for Return; and

- Your request for replacement, exchange, credit or refund.

We will send you a Return Authorization Number (“RAN”). We will not accept any returns without a valid RAN.

4. Mail the product(s) to be returned to:

415 Bussen Underground Rd

St. Louis, MO 63129

5. Costs for postage/shipping and handling of products are not refundable or reimbursable unless we determine that the product(s) returned is/are faulty or defective. Under no circumstances will a refund or credit be given if the products received are used, soiled or damaged or are returned without their original packaging and tags attached. These items will be returned to you, and you will be responsible for all return shipping costs.

We strongly recommend that you send your return package to us by receipted or tracked delivery, because we are not responsible for any product(s) that are lost or damaged in transit; you are responsible for ensuring returned products are received by us in the condition described above.  If you have requested and we have agreed to issue a refund, a credit will be issued within 7 days of receipt of returned goods via the same payment method used to order the products. If exchanging an item, you may select an alternative product. However, if the replacement item is priced higher than the item exchanged, you will be required to pay the difference.  We charge a minimum shipping charge within the US when replacing goods, unless the product is deemed faulty, as described below.